Submit all the site details in English.
Websites with Non-English language should submitted under the relevant language section in World Category.
Submit your home page only, do not submit deep links. Title should be the official site name or title.
Do not submit links to affiliate programs or web sites that only contain affiliate links.
Write good, quality descriptions. Submissions that contain too many errors or bad grammar will be rejected.
Do not use HTML in description or other text areas. Capitalize the first letter of each sentence in titles, descriptions as well as proper nouns.
Payment for listing submission does not guarantee inclusion, but only the review time according to selected plan.
Submissions will be rejected if your website is:
(a) Made for Google Adsense (MFA) content only,
(b) incomplete, under construction or redirects visitors to an unrelated destination
(c) excessive keyword stuffing
(d) gambling or adult related
(e) mirror site.
Websites rejected because of these reasons will not be refunded. We reserve the right to edit, delete or move your website submission to the proper category whenever deemed necessary.

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