Pet Grooming at Home Tips

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The adoption and the decision to raise and live with a pet implies a great responsibility of the guardian and leads to the building of a very beautiful and true relationship between them.

Apart from the proper and balanced diet that offers him longevity, good quality of life and happy living, there are other areas of his daily life that require the participation of a responsible “parent”.

The release of the accumulated energy through small or large walks, their interactive participation in wellness exercises and fun moments of play are factors that contribute to the strengthening of the mental bond between us and our friends.

But this is one side of the coin that is definitely the most enjoyable and perhaps the most carefree.

On the other hand, there is the obligation of taking care of the health and care of our little friends which are decisive factors in the normality of our coexistence with our four-legged companions.

Sure, there are times when you wonder:

How do I meet his needs properly?

Do I have the time?

Can my pocket hold it?

Is his grooming urgent?

These reasonable questions are of great concern to you.

Despite the obvious priority of his physical health, which will often lead you to the vet, grooming is just as important because it is for both of you a pleasant and at the same time valuable process of interaction in the house.

It is worth reading below, some basic care tips that will give moments of pleasure to your hairy partner.

Necessary equipment

Shampoo suitable for the age and type of pet (kittens and puppies need a gentle shampoo without pesticides).

A small bucket of water for mixing with shampoo and creating soap, as well as 1 sponge or bath glove.

Cotton balls.

Ear cleaner.

Antiparasitic protection against exoparasites (veterinarian advice).

Metal comb.

Brush, depending on the type and length of hair. There are Slicker, combs-rakes, with a surface of rubber pins for short hair, double-sided for 2 layers of hair.

Nail clippers. Pliers or with hole and nail clippers for cats.

File for the nails.

Hemostatic powder for stopping bleeding in case of deep nail cutting.

Eye cleanser from stains that leave tears.

Knot untangling spray or conditioner to help soften knots before final rinsing.

Hair dryer, some quadrupeds get cold easily, but you need to be careful at the distance of use so as not to overheat the skin.

Pet toothbrush and toothpaste.

Special scissors for trimming the hair or haircut or even a clipper.

As for the haircut, you should know that if you intend to change the normal length of the hair, you must protect the skin from cold or heat, depending on the season.

For off-line haircuts especially if the cut is too short, it may never grow smoothly to normal length, it is better to ask a professional about the procedure.

How to take care of a pet.

Begin your mission by carefully touching all parts of his body.

If there is pain or tenderness, consult your veterinarian.

Your loved one may feel uncomfortable with your touch, so remember that positive interaction between a human and a four-legged animal is best achieved with praise and repetition.

Your guidance should be gentle but without straying from your goal, the successful outcome of his grooming.

The plan is to enjoy the process and accept its repetition at regular intervals.

Care areas.


Brushing and possible loosening of knots, if any, should be done if not daily at least several times a week regardless of the length and type of hair.

If you intend to bathe him, then do the brushing first.

This will soothe your buddy by removing dead hair from it while dissolving the hair follicles the natural body oils are released and act on his skin.

If the hair is thick, make sure you comb it deep from the base of the root.

However, be gentle and patient in your movements, because a lot of pressure on the skin causes intense irritation while the rush to untangle the knots will hurt him.

An untangling spray on dry hair would soften their compact shape.

Different types of brush are used depending on your friend’s fur.

A curved metal slicker brush or with straight metal pins works well for long and straight hair.

You can still use them on medium length hair but with a dense 2nd substrate.

Metal rakes are also very efficient for brushing the substrate when they are in the season of intense hair loss.

For short and smooth hair you can use glove or rubber or rubber brushes.


The water should be warm even in summer, because cold water can freeze your glued and have negative connotations for the bathroom, in general.

If you have a small animal and you want to bathe it in the bathtub, caress it and encourage it constantly so that it does not panic.

A good massage to your partner while you soap him will relax him.

Then rinse him.

If it is long hair, comb it with conditioner and then do the final rinse.

When it is winter and the cold is intense, in all pets we must dry the hair after rinsing and especially in the young or the sick and the elderly.


Start by grabbing one of his feet in order to check the condition of his nails.

Then, without starting to cut, hold the nail clipper close to the nail and press it as if you were cutting it.

Take a quick look at the color of the skin under the nail to see where the blood flow ends.

You do not want to cut it deep because you know it will have a bloody and painful effect on your pet.

If this happens by accident, do not panic.

Cover the end of the nail with hemostatic powder and press it for about 30 seconds until the bleeding stops.

If you start by cutting one toenail a day from each foot and rewarding your loved one with treats and sweets, you will soon have a relaxed and ready-to-treat partner.

Remember to trim your nails straight, leaving no tips or uncut sections.

When you keep his fingernails cut off, you protect him from being caught somewhere and may break, saving him from unbearable pain.

Long toenails can also damage his toes by pressing their receiving pads into unnatural positions.


Start the process when your pet is loose.

If you can not every day then three times a week may make a difference.

Use a suitable animal toothpaste because the human one contains ingredients that may harm his stomach.

Do not stand in front of him or make him bend down or you have some other threatening attitude.

Kneel in front of him or stand next to him.

Tame his anxiety.

If he seems anxious stop and continue later. You may need repetition for the correct posture of your body.

Put your finger on his upper gums and teeth and start rubbing gently to see his willingness to touch you.

The pressure you exert is light and repeat this process several times before you go to the next step.

Then put the toothpaste on the toothbrush and lift the upper lip of his mouth.

Tilt the toothbrush 45 degrees and start brushing in a circular motion starting from the line that joins the gums to the teeth.

This will clean the plaque that has accumulated in this area.

If the gums bleed a little, it does not matter. But if there is a lot of blood then you may have made hasty and careless movements or lurking oral health problem.

You should also brush the inside of the teeth, starting from the back to the front.

If you do not succeed, do not worry because the course of his tongue from the inside out cleanses the area.

Besides, there are many delicacies with beneficial effects on the cleanliness of the teeth.

When you are done, reward your friend with his favorite treat or with an extra game.


Your fluffy partner’s ears should usually be cleaned monthly. If your coworker is a dog with long, heavy ears that cover the ear canal, then clean it most often.

Excessive concentration of bacteria and wax can lead to their infection.

Start the process by wetting a cotton ball with earwax and gently wiping the inside of their fins.

Do not put swabs in the inner canal because penetrating deep can hurt the drum. Continue with the cotton ball in the channel with gentle movements and until you find resistance.

It goes without saying that if you notice hypersensitivity to the touch of the ears or a strong odor in the area inside them, then you may have mild or severe otitis and you need to visit your veterinarian immediately.

If your friend is a keen swimmer, make sure you clean and dry his ears as soon as he comes out of the water.


In some pets, useless loads of garbage accumulate in the corners of their eyes, which over time and the extra tears take on a solid form with a crunchy texture.

This load is due to excessive secretion of tears.

Use a small towel soaked in warm water to soften this solid mass.

Then take a small flea comb and remove the rest.

In light-skinned animals, a red stain usually results from extensive tearing.

Apply an eye stain remover to gradually restore the normal hair color.

Always pay attention to this area because the over-concentration of useless load on the edges of the eyes can hide severe conjunctivitis.

If you notice signs of irritation, intense redness under the eyes or a strange odor then an appointment with your veterinarian is necessary for a check-up and maybe some treatment.


There is a saying that says: every beginning is difficult.

This fluffy routine of caring for your friend may seem like a mountain to you, and you may not have much time left for this whole repetitive process.

Do you think that the professionals of these services will do their best, with greater safety and without your own effort?

On the other hand, if you asked your friend he would tell you that he is afraid of strangers and the crowds.

Its pulse rises when you park near the animal care lounge.

He does not like the urgent and hurried voice of the person in charge of his grooming.

He tells you in his own way that he wants you close to him.

So spend quality time interacting with your coworker and start applying the basic care steps.

No one started with the perfect result but the praise along with the repetition and the reward of delicacies will overcome the obstacles and will significantly stimulate the mental bond between you.